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Our Last Fun Day in Form 6

On 21 December, we went to the Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp for our last Life-Wide Learning Day. Despite the rainy weather, we had great fun from a wide range of activities.

The first one is Fluid Painting. We mixed high flow fluid acrylic of different colours to make a painting. It was our first time to try it. Everyone’s painting is unique and different! What an amazing painting activity!

The second activity is Team Building activity, which is the most meaningful to me. The coach asked us to set target points for our own team and try our best to reach the target by playing numerous mini tasks and interesting games, some of which were physical while some were mental. In the first round every team reached the goals. Therefore, in the second round, we set higher goal and again we were successful! Some teams even exceeded the goal for two times.

From these activities, I understand that everyone is unique and we must not overlook or underestimate our potential. Sometimes, we don’t have a second chance, therefore, we should step out of our comfort zone and try our best in order to reach our goal without any regrets. What an unforgettable day!

6D Kong Hoi Yau Mille