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The 60th Anniversary Kick-off Ceremony & Inauguration of Student Leaders (30/9/2022)

The first thing that happened was the inauguration of the Student Leaders and of the Student Association. The nine chairpersons had made a vow that was witnessed by our Principal, Ms Cheung, and had their badges presented to them by different teachers, followed by speeches given by the former and new presidents of Student Association, Onyx, and an official transferal ceremony. Next up is the prize presentation for external awards and competitions that were held for the 60th anniversary, like the Slogan Design competition, Student Handbook Cover Design competition and Upcycling competition.

Finally, a speech was given by the principal and several ceremonies were held, the first one would be the time-capsule ceremony, which people put in items with special meanings into the capsule, and it would be reopened in 10 years. Next is the Ribbon-cutting ceremony, the ribbon was cut by school managers, signifying the start of the 60th anniversary celebrations. The last ceremonies were lighting and cake-cutting, which signified the start of a series of celebratory events! We had also witnessed a remarkable singing and musical performance at the very end. It was great!

The ceremony was unforgettable and fantastic in its own ways, the speeches were inspiring too. And congratulations to all those who received a prize!






隨著學生會推出精心準備的蛋糕和燈牌,三發鞭炮響起,一片昏暗驟然亮起斑斕的燈光,「TNSS 60」的字樣躍然於眾人眼前。台上、台下的每一個人都為此而雀躍歡呼,正式宣告德雅中學迎來六十週年,繼續邁向新領域。


6C SO KA YEE (ZOE) 蘇嘉儀